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What’s Doctor Tampa’s future vision for MedFet?
MedFet is very diverse, and Doctor Tampa certainly has his own unique style! Read “Doctor Tampa’s Open Letter To Fans” to find out how Doctor Tampa’s taking his medical fetish art to the next level like no other clinic has ever done!
What is a staff member vs. a "Loyal Staff Member"?
A staff member is anyone who joins,,, or membership websites. When you join, you become a staff member of our clinics! You become a “Loyal Staff Member” once subscribed for 9 months without a lapse!
Does have weekly new releases?
Yes! Since launching nearly 2 years ago, has updated weekly without fail, even during Covid! Thank you to the 300 staff members who increased brand new weekly releases from 2 to 3! The “New Release Schedule” lists past, present, and future weekly updates!
Does recycle content?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Every movie is released 1 time on Doctor-Tampa after being released on BuyMyMovies a few months prior. These 1-time releases, past, present, and future, are documented and listed on the Doctor-Tampa "New Release Schedule”.
Can I access ALL videos and pictures when I join?
YES! As soon as you become a staff member, EVERYTHING becomes unlocked for you to view! There are no additional areas to buy, no additional paywalls, and no archive you must pay extra to see. You get EVERYTHING for one low price!
Where can I download movies right now?
Purchase and download ALL released and unreleased movies on:
How many unreleased movies are there?
In case of production holds, Doctor Tampa has 6 months of new releases for each website! No Doctor Tampa Media website experienced a delay in new releases during Covid!
See unreleased Doctor-Tampa movies at!
Why doesn’t Doctor Tampa release everything at once?
Even though medfet is Doctor Tampa’s fetish, his clinics are his only income. It takes lots of time and money to film, finish and release these amazing medfet movies! But More Members = More Movies have increased new releases! So JOIN NOW and stay subscribed so Doctor Tampa can continue to increase how many movies are released each week!
How are movies filmed?
Movies are filmed straight through in one take giving the patient and viewers an extremely immersive feeling. Most movies are filmed from a mix of “security cameras” and point-of-view cameras but some movies are filmed from a camera person's point-of-view. Most movies have a close-up pelvic camera and patient monitor camera edited in as a picture-in-picture, or is a side-by-side split screen with the patient and her pussy side-by-side! Rarely is there a cut since all movies are 100% improv!
Are movies cut up and choppy like the previews?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Those are previews. Full movies are uncut with every second of action and anticipation left for you to watch and enjoy. You see everything from the time Doctor Tampa says "Action" to the time he says "Cut"! Movies filmed from a "security camera" view will move from camera to camera to show the best action, or be a split scene showing the patient's face on one half and their pussy on the other half! The longer the movie, the more building and intensity for those who enjoy edging!
Why aren’t there more nurses and girl-girl scenes?
Nurses are hard to train, and Doctor Tampa constantly cultivates new nurses. But training nurse’s takes time and money. So if you really want him to step behind the camera and film more girl-girl, JOIN NOW and help Doctor Tampa hire and retain more naughty nurses! In 2022, Doctor Tampa release a TON of all-female cast movies but not on since those have a male, Doctor-Tampa, in them!