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Doctor Tampa Sounding Mira Monroe's Urethra - Part 1 of 1 - Doctor-Tampa's POV

Filmed From Doctor Tampa's POV (Point of View) so you can glove in and become the doctor!

With Behind The Scenes

Before patients try various things in movies such as estim, the violet wand, catheterization, or impact play, they are given the opportunity to try out those elements in a safe, consensual, and casual manner where the patient can openly communicate how something feels. These moments are often not recorded but sometimes Doctor Tampa remembers to roll cameras for those moments.

This is one of those rare moments when Doctor Tampa rolled cameras for one of these play session-style interactions. Now you get to see what often isn’t seen as Mira Monroe experiences urethral sounding and catheterization for the 1st time ever at Doctor Tampa's surgically gloved hands!

Model: Doctor Tampa, Mira Monroe

Posted: Mon, 18 December 2023  Views: 721

Series: Urethral Sounding & Catheterization
